Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today after a few weeks of constant flip flop, I have decided to talk about my guitar skills.
I would say I am not the greatest nor do I suck. If I had time I can do much better then normal players but time is so limited nowadays that I cannot get a could chance at doing work.

Some people would consider music as a sinful or mabe perhaps an "unreligious" thing. I had these views way back. After constant prayers and reflection I came to a resolve concerning music.

Music can be good if the message within is good and is audible. Meaning the typical hip hop in the radio about "my whore in the hood, ready to get fucked" is not music it is damn profanity and stupid.

Not only does this music really have negative concepts to females it also enforces bad sterotypes of male dominance. Islam forbids actions such as this since, these actions degrade the social spectrum and create many societal problems. I am not going to go in depth.

Therefore, music should be enlightening and should serve as a reflection. You should not be slave to the music, yet take what is good from music and what is bad. Dont be damn passive lol.

I find classical one of the "best and original" music. Some classical has Christian values embedded in it. Some I would say is dumb and a bit extreme but some are nice.

However, sadly enough people are just damn passive...