Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mirror Trick

So I was at work today doing nothing.... It was really dead and there was no business so I had time to do some other things.

I looked around and noticed a bunch of twigs in the corner. I decided hey might as well try some Kendo or some newb Naginata. I grabbed hold and began to stare at a mirror in the stance.

I didnt expect much out of doing something simple but it was interesting. Stating the obvious a mirror reflects lol.

In terms of Kendo it felt as if I was fighting myself. In Kendo you look for opprtunites but if the mirror reflects how do you go on about doing that.

Committment! As my sensei says "Commit to the attack build your Ki (inner energy)" I did just that and I felt relieved as I began to mimic Kendo attacks.

Unfortunately where I work at is a cafe so I couldnt do that all day lol.

I guess if you try hard enough anything is possible, but you need the mindset. So braggers you talk crap are nothing unless their mind is in the right position. People who think they are sick are going to feel sick.

I guess I can use this as a lesson or two in disciplining my mind. My mind is weak but hopefully with practice I can get stronger lol.

I sound so cliche :).

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