Monday, February 11, 2008


So satisfy my MA appetite I have been doing some Iaido in my dojo. Iaido is similar to Kendo were it requires a sword. However, Kendo is about hitting, Iaido is about cutting. Just some other general knowledge Kenjutsu is about killing with the sword.

What I have found so far is that focus is not generally required. It is one of hte factors but not necessary the only factor. Time is really important. When doing the cuts it is more advised to take your time and do things SLOW. Since, our mind is always thinking ahead. In Iaido the idea is to bring your mind back and into the present.

One practice I had all day I was learning how to move slow. It was irritating and frustrating but getting frustrated made it worse. Essentially I had to calm myself and my mind by doing that I was able to execute better quality cuts.

This video can better explain what I mean by slow cuts. The execution is fast but if you look at the movements it is slow.


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